Low Platelet Count in Dogs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is a low Platelet count?

Low Platelet Count is a clinical diagnosis of low platelet cells in your dog’s blood. Platelets are colourless cells present in the blood. It binds together to form clots to stop or prevent bleeding. The dog that has a Low Platelet count carries a high risk of life-threatening bleeding.

A Low Platelet count is medically called Thrombocytopenia. Platelets are produced in the bone marrow, so in most cases, problems in the bone marrow disarrays the production of platelets.

Symptoms of Low Platelet Count in Dogs

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Pale gums
  • Inability to walk
  • Fever
  • Blood in Urine and Poop
  • Black Stools
  • Excessive bruising
  • Excessive blood loss
  • Sunken Eyes

Causes of Low Platelet Count in Dogs

  • Tick Fever
  • Severe blood loss
  • Infection
  • Problems with Bone marrow
  • Certain types of Blood cancers
  • Toxicity

Diagnosis of Low Platelet Count in Dogs

Low Platelet count is easily diagnosable by a complete blood count (CBC) Test. CBC tests will also reveal many other important information such as haemoglobin levels, RBC, WBC, ESR and Infections in blood.

Treatment of Low Platelet Count in Dogs

If any underlying disease causes a low platelet count in a dog, the causative disease should be treated and a platelet transfusion may be carried out. If Thrombocytopenia occurs due to the direct loss of platelets due to reasons such as severe bleeding or injury, a platelet transfusion will be carried out.

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