Can I cancel my order?

If you have placed a wrong order by any chance and wish to cancel the order, there is no reason to panic. You can get it done by reaching out to us within 5 hours from the time, the orders are placed. However, Cancellation of orders will not be entertained once the products are shipped from our warehouse. For cancellation, you can reach us through call/ WhatsApp on +917010200909 or through email at If you have already paid for the order, the amount should be returned to your same account or wallet that you have used at the time of purchase within 10 working days.

Return & Refund

Customer satisfaction is our topmost priority and we commit to that with utmost sincerity. That’s why we process orders with extra care deploying necessary quality inspections. All products that have to be shipped would undergo thorough quality inspection before the packaging process. Despite all those measures if you happen to receive orders with defective/damaged, expired products or the product you have ordered doesn’t match with the product that you have received, You can return those orders after getting approval from us by submitting photos or videos supporting your claim. However, Return requests should be made within two days from the time of delivery.

What products are eligible for return?

1. Defective/ Damaged products.

2. Expired products in case of food items.

3. Mismatched products.

What products are ineligible for return?

1. Products that are not sold by us.

2. Used/ Physically damaged products.

3. Products that was sent to us without a return request

4. Products without valid bill and product code.

For Return of orders

1. Ship the products with original packaging with the invoice and other attachments that had come along with the package at the time of the delivery.

2. Used/physically damaged products can’t be returned back